Data User
The data user intends to analyze data in the data commons. The data user’s intent is to assist with research and analysis of data already available in the data commons. Any analysis performed using the data commons infrastructure is intended for research is avaialable for the commons and may be used to support the bettering and livelihood of military veterans. The data user does not intend to upload new data, then use the resources to analyze the data. If have data and intend to analyze it, then please fill out the questionnaire form for approval of Data Contributor and research questions approval status.
Data User Overview
Sign Documents, fill out Data forms, gain access credentials
View Data Dictionaries and submit research questions
Submit draft relational diagram to
Analysis of Data in Data Commons Steps
(1) Complete, review, and sign legal agreement
(2) Complete a draft entity relation diagram (ERD) of the data in the data commons being requested
(3) Receive project name and access credentials
(4) Log into JuypterHub and access data for analysis.
(5) Develop data model with data and finalize ERD after analysis is complete.
(6) Submit model for approval and posting to the Data Commons
(7) If a lapse in data analysis or model create passes 30 days, all access, tables, and analysis will be deleted to free up resources for other.
Data User Help
If assistance is needed with connecting to the databases, accessing the resources, or developing a data model and ERD, then please refer to the Data Flows section. If the assistance is not found, please email us @
Data User Workflow
The User Data Workflow Map