IVMF Data Commons Overview.

About the IVMF

The Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) is a multi-layered not profit designed to support US military veterans across the world. The IVMF strives to provide top tiered research and policy directed at addressing multiple veteran issues. The IVMF Research, Policy, and Evaluation team achieves this by utilizing Business Intelligence processes, analytics, and multiple types of data analysis with machine learning.


Deliver insights and empower action to advance the practice and policy supporting America’s military-connected community. To do this, the IVMF serves as an anchor to the Institute’s programs and services to empower government, private industry, higher education, and philanthropic organizations to effectively address today’s toughest challenges facing the veteran and military community

Purose of the IVMF Data Commons

The IVMF Research and Policy team will act as the Data Commons Service Provider and the Data Custodian. The team will accomplish this by developing, building, and establishing a Veterans Research Data Commons which will deliver insights and empower action to advance research and policy supporting America’s military-connected communities.


If you wish to support the development of the IVMF Data Commons, please contact the IVMF Research, Policy, and Evaluations team at the following email <put email link here!!>.
